The Rules of the Masjid
In the following rule, we will explain the importance of being present in the Masjid, and reciting the Salat in there:
- Frequenting the Masjid is Mustahab.
- It is Mustahab to go to that Masjid where people do not go frequently.
- It is Makruh for the person who lives near a Masjid to pray in any other place (other than the Masjid) without an excuse.
- If a person does not go to the Masjid for Salat, it is Mustahab that others should not eat with him, take advice from him, nor live beside him, take a woman from his family (in marriage), nor should one give a woman to him (in marriage).
The following actions related to the Masjid, are Haram:
- Decorating the Masjid with gold.
- Selling a Masjid - even if it is demolished.
- Making a Masjid Najis, and if it has been made Najis, then it must be made Tahir immediately.
- Taking dirt and rocks from the Masjid unless there is a lot of dirt and rocks there.
The following actions, related to the Masjid are Mustahab:
- One should come to the Masjid earlier than others, and leave it after everyone else has left.
- Illuminating the Masjid.
- Cleaning the Masjid.
- Entering the Masjid with the right foot first.
- Exiting the Masjid with the left foot first.
- Reciting a two Rak’at Mustahab Salat as a gesture of respect and for entering the Masjid.
- Applying perfume to one’s self and wearing one’s best clothes.
The following actions, related to the Masjid, are Makruh:
- Passing through a Masjid with the thought that it is only a place to pass through, without reading Salat there.
- Spitting, and removing phlegm or mucus from the nose inside the Masjid.
- Sleeping in the Masjid - except in a state of helplessness.
- Yelling in the Masjid, or speaking very loud, except for while performing the Adhan.
- Buying and selling inside the Masjid.
- Speaking about worldly affairs.
- For someone to go into a Masjid whose breath may bug others.